Dear Brother Knights, The Rhode Island State Council of the Knights of Columbus and St. Vincent de Paul Rhode Island are joining forces to gather, assemble, and distribute Thanksgiving and Christmas meal boxes for families in need. Your council can make a significant impact by hosting food drives within your parish community. Program Details: Food Drive Dates: October 26 – November 17, 2024 Collection Locations: At your council or parish community Boxing Event Date: November 17, from 1–4 pm, at SVdP Rhode Island Headquarters, 25 Webb Street, Cranston, RI 02920. For early drop-off appointments, call (401) 490-0822 for councils that cannot store food until the event.
Items needed: Instant/Boxed Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing Mix, Cans or Jars of Gravy, Canned Vegetables (esp. Corn, Carrots, Peas, Yams, & String Beans), Canned Fruit (esp. Cranberry Sauce), Rice, Pasta, & Tomato Sauce, Canned Soup & Broth, Jell-O & Pudding Mix, Apple Sauce, Pie Cust & Pie Filling, Corn Meal Mix, and Juice.
Note: Monetary Donations welcome to help purchase Turkey’s and Ham’s.
Make check payable to: SVDP Rhode Island and send check to 25 Webb Street, Cranston, RI 02920 Bring your members and their families to help assemble boxes of canned foods and other essentials for holiday meals. Council Competition: Councils will compete to collect the most food donations. Large industrial scales will be available at the event for weigh-ins. Supreme’s Food for Families Program: Participating councils can meet Supreme's Food for Family program goals by earning $100 rebates per 1,000 lbs of food collected or $500 donated (up to a $500 rebate annually). Special Prize: The Grand Knight of the council with the highest weight of food donations will win a custom Event Sport-Tek® PosiCharge Tri-Blend Wicking 1/4-Zip Pullover. How to Get Involved: Organize a food drive at your council or parish. Encourage your members and parishioners to donate non-perishable items. Join the boxing event on November 17 to assemble meal boxes and distribute them to families in need. All are welcome! Please join us on Sunday, November 17 at SVdP Rhode Island Headquarters, 25 Webb Street, Cranston, RI 02920 for the meal box assembly.
You might even be interviewed by Supreme’s camera crew. If you or your council would like to participate, please send an email to [email protected].
Vivat Jesus, Michael Guerra RI K of C State Program Director